Tending your inner flame, the hearth of your generative and creative power -- your life force -- is essential to the ability to stay in connection with the world right now. I offer these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for that exact purpose.
Mercury in Sagittarius describes a very perceptive mind -- but one that needs focusing and directing. If you start getting frustrated with a lack of follow-through this week, remember that the overall mental environment we're all moving through is a little...loose...at the moment.
The Aries Full Moon is tomorrow morning, exact at 7:26 am EDT. Is anything in focus for you that feels related to what popped up in early April, between Mercury's station retrograde and the solar eclipse on April 8? This Full Moon appears to be stimulating the same themes.
Today's Aquarius Full Moon looks a bit turbo charged! The biggest question it seems to be asking is: At the heart of everything (in your heart), what are you truly devoted to? And what uncharacteristic, unplanned, or non-routine actions do you need to take to remember what that devotion feels like ?