We don't often get a New Moon so close to New Year's Eve. So you may be noticing a stronger-than-usual resonance today with the themes of ending one cycle and beginning another one, as the Capricorn New Moon is exact today. Its deeper story is being told by an intriguing group of minor planets.
How are you feeding yourself and others today? I'm talking about literal food and nutrients as well as spiritual and emotional forms of nourishment and nurturing. Are you recommitting to a more disciplined or structured approach? Are recent choices in this realm already showing bigger effects than usual -- whether desired or unintended?
The Sagittarius New Moon and Mercury's station retrograde in Capricorn are combining in some powerful (and potentially challenging yet enlightening) ways during an especially intense time of year. Hopefully these horoscopes for your Sun sign and rising sign will help you discover some worthwhile insights as we navigate the next few weeks.
Giving some focused energy in the direction you want to travel during the "disruption" of an eclipse can help new pathways and patterns to take shape more clearly and tangibly. Here are your horoscopes to help you make sense of the current moment and act with intention.
The recent Libra equinox and this week's Aries Full Moon both have something to say about how we approach the October eclipses -- which will be here soon. Events and insights now could have bigger effects than anticipated.