What things make you think you're a "weirdo" or a "goofball"? What if those traits are actually talents and superpowers? Or even some of your most divine gifts to share with the world?
I'm convinced that one of the reasons winter solstice rituals can feel so meaningful, even if you're just taking some time to slow down and reflect this time of year, is what happens in the days just before the solstice. The Sun, giver of life and center of our solar system, makes its annual alignment with the Galactic Center (GC): the core of our Milky Way Galaxy.
I've been feeling kind of like my life is zooming off without me this week, and I'm running after it. I probably shouldn't be surprised at this, given the current astrology, yet the intensity caught me off guard. Thankfully the questions raised by current astrology also offer a chance to reframe and recenter.
We're about to enter the last month of the calendar year: a bizarre time when the nights are long yet the weeks fly by in a mad rush through the holidays. Against the backdrop of the Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury enters Capricorn (where it will station retrograde mid-month) to get you building on your ideas -- with a little help from its friends.
My experience at an annual art festival in an abandoned space got me thinking about our current astrology. If Mars opposing Uranus is like a startling, incongruous piece of performance art suddenly in view after turning a corner in the darkness, the Scorpio New Moon becomes the opportunity to pause, breathe it in, and allow it to open up your sense of who you can be in relation to it.
Every once in a while my subconscious presents a dream while I am sleeping that is basically a symbolic mini-movie of some facet of current astrology and its relationship to my life. Last night I had one such dream.
What are you handling well right now? Conversely, is there anything (from situations to machines) that feels like it's breaking down completely? Today's Sun-Pluto contact offers a key mid-eclipse-zone push and opportunity to check in with yourself.
The Libra Sun and Mercury form a conjunction today in late Libra, square Pluto, favoring communication that gets to the root of the matter. In any situations where you have to adjust or pivot...
Eclipses are a disruption in the typical lunar-solar relationship, and disruptions can feel a little choppy. This eclipse in particular appears to describe releasing self-inflicted restrictions to come into better balance with who you are becoming.
As the sign Libra demonstrates, the beautiful (if delicate) balance of interpersonal relating is in the actions of those willing to do the work each time the scales shift, and to do it ethically and openly when power struggles arise.