What are you handling well right now? Conversely, is there anything (from situations to machines) that feels like it’s breaking down completely?
Notice the areas where your competence, expertise, and experience are working, open them up full throttle, and clock these strengths for when you need them again in the future. Whatever is not working well — especially if it has faltered before — is calling you to get to the bottom of things and make whatever foundational changes are needed to fix it thoroughly.

Both of these conditions describe today’s square between the Libra Sun and Pluto in late Capricorn. If nothing specifically fits either of those polarities described above, a vague sense of pressure — either from within or without — is another signal to watch for.
The Moon also enters its first quarter phase today: the midpoint between the solar eclipse and New Moon of Oct. 14 and the lunar eclipse and Full Moon of Oct. 28.
It’s a great time to check in with yourself: where are you with any process of letting go you might be engaged with? Where do you feel your intentions for the future coalescing? Have you experienced any pattern interruptions from your environment, or are you seeing a need to disrupt some patterns and shift your trajectory yourself?
Today’s Sun-Pluto contact offers a key mid-eclipse-zone push to purge or change behavior tendencies that are proving to be invalid, ineffective, or out of harmony (with your desires, purpose, or relationships). This astrology also offers a strong reminder to be accountable for your work, your actions, your words, and your contributions to relationships of all types (work, social, intimate, platonic, creative, etc.).
With Mars in Scorpio (a sign it traditionally rules), an intensification of instinctual and intuitive energy is available for whatever you need to tackle in the next several weeks. You can use it physically, intellectually, emotionally, and sexually but — above all — use it with purpose and clear intention. If that energy begins to feel pent up, it’s time to look consciously for healthy outlets (exercise is a dependable choice).
You are invited to take advantage of the sliding scale that I offer for my one-hour Soul Work & Spiritual Inquiry sessions ($50-$80 for one hour) between now and October 30*. (After the end of this month, I will no longer be offering the sliding scale as a standard pricing structure for these specific services.)**
The zone between eclipses is perfect timing to clear out some “inner clutter” to get ready for whatever these eclipses brings into your life. After all, one phase of using eclipse energy is to release what is in the way or is no longer working. The other part of using eclipses is to focus energy on your intentions, goals, and what you love and want to enjoy more of in the next 6-12 months.
*To take advantage of the sliding scale, session must be booked with me before October 30, but can be scheduled to occur between now and November 30, 2023.
**If you are a previous client you may still reach out to me about a sliding scale option after October 30 if you are struggling financially.
If you’ve been considering an astrology session with me, my schedule will be more open during the first three weeks of November, and there is a sliding scale for those services. Message me with interest and questions!
With love,
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