Saturday morning features an intriguing moment bringing together the astrological symbols of consciousness (the Sun), the subconscious (the Moon), and unseen, subterranean forces (Pluto) in an unusually precise alignment. Whatever emerges into consciousness then could carry a useful message.
We're about to enter the last month of the calendar year: a bizarre time when the nights are long yet the weeks fly by in a mad rush through the holidays. Against the backdrop of the Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury enters Capricorn (where it will station retrograde mid-month) to get you building on your ideas -- with a little help from its friends.
What are you handling well right now? Conversely, is there anything (from situations to machines) that feels like it's breaking down completely? Today's Sun-Pluto contact offers a key mid-eclipse-zone push and opportunity to check in with yourself.
The Libra Sun and Mercury form a conjunction today in late Libra, square Pluto, favoring communication that gets to the root of the matter. In any situations where you have to adjust or pivot...
I've been thinking in recent weeks about Pluto leaving Capricorn (where it's been since 2008) and entering Aquarius next week on March 23. Pluto has been nicknamed "the irresistible force" and it compels us to change at very deep, fundamental, foundational levels...