The Sagittarius New Moon makes for a much-needed introspective pause, just as we tip into the accelerated swirl of the last month of the calendar year. The trials and treasures of Mercury’s retrograde review phase and Mars, planet of action and forward thrust now barely moving and about to station reto itself, call the tune for December.
Mercury in Sagittarius describes a very perceptive mind -- but one that needs focusing and directing. If you start getting frustrated with a lack of follow-through this week, remember that the overall mental environment we're all moving through is a the moment.
Somehow for the last couple weeks my brain has been envisioning Aug. 28, when Mercury stations direct, as being on the weekend. No idea why, but this mental slip is all too appropriate! Whatever your personal experience of the current Mercury retrograde, here are some themes to consider to help you reap the most from its lessons.
Today's Aquarius Full Moon looks a bit turbo charged! The biggest question it seems to be asking is: At the heart of everything (in your heart), what are you truly devoted to? And what uncharacteristic, unplanned, or non-routine actions do you need to take to remember what that devotion feels like ?
Here’s a little preview of the upcoming summer astrological highlights for the next three months. At the top of the post there's a link to the original video version if you prefer that format. I'll be posting more detailed and nuanced posts as the season progresses.
Just how fitting is it that Mercury is stationing retrograde in Aries on April Fool's Day? Mercury is known as the Trickster, and its retrogrades have a way of showing us how our failures to focus can result in what feel like frustrating practical jokes from the universe. I think, however, these hiccups are less about the cosmos playing tricks and more an opportunity to notice how we are (or are not) thinking and communicating.
The Sagittarius New Moon and Mercury's station retrograde in Capricorn are combining in some powerful (and potentially challenging yet enlightening) ways during an especially intense time of year. Hopefully these horoscopes for your Sun sign and rising sign will help you discover some worthwhile insights as we navigate the next few weeks.
We're about to enter the last month of the calendar year: a bizarre time when the nights are long yet the weeks fly by in a mad rush through the holidays. Against the backdrop of the Sun in Sagittarius, Mercury enters Capricorn (where it will station retrograde mid-month) to get you building on your ideas -- with a little help from its friends.
Now that Venus is about to station direct in Leo, do you have any sense of a specific inner mission you may have been on since around July 22? Has anything been uncovered, recovered, or questioned?
Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo today, conjunct asteroid Pallas and Mars. Could it be that Mercury's brief rewind for the next three or so weeks is asking us to pay a little more attention to all the key details needed to put a plan into action -- and to troubleshooting in a methodical, grounded, analytical way when things don't go as expected?