Somehow for the last couple weeks my brain has been envisioning the 28th as being on the weekend. No idea why. The significance of that date (it’s when Mercury stations direct) makes this mental slip all too appropriate and amusing to me! SO: in case your brain has not been braining very well either lately, heads up: Aug. 28 is this Wednesday! Two days from now!
I think part of what is so bizarre to me about this temporal stretchiness is that for most of the late spring and summer, my mind has been doing the exact opposite: it’s been telescoping and collapsing time, making me feel as though events one, two, or even three months from now are actually on my doorstep.
This has made it challenging to keep priorities straight.
It’s made it harder not to succumb to decision paralysis.
And it has also made otherwise innocuous detours down online rabbit holes feel that much more grievous, accentuating the sense of pressure and self-judgment.
Throw in some unexpected, expensive car repairs, and this has felt like one of the more “retrograde-y” Mercury retrogrades I’ve experienced in quite a while. (Unsurprisingly to me, given the themes of these events in my life, this retrograde has taken place in my zone of thought processes and mental attitude, communication, memory, and short-distance travel.)
Whatever your personal experience of the current Mercury retrograde has been like, consider taking a little time these next couple of days to reflect on the last three weeks or so.
* What (or whom) have you been happily reacquainted with?
* What have you had to redo, reconsider, or even reneg on?
* Have you been reminded of anything you would prefer to forget — and has the reminder offered any new insights or usefulness?
* What have you recommitted to?
* Have you rediscovered something of value (whether within yourself or externally/materially)?
** Perhaps most importantly, no matter how wiggly things get between now and Thursday, take your time.**
Notice the details. Let delays or mistakes be a reason to become more present, more patient with others, and more gentle with yourself.
Mercury appears almost motionless right now. It’s an optical illusion. But it’s a powerful one in the symbolism of astrology, especially given how swift this planet that represents thoughts usually is.
Mercury is stationing direct in the 22nd degree of Leo. Leo relates (among other things) to the heart, to courage, and to pride. Sept. 9, it’ll return to Virgo: a sign it rules, and where it began this reverse trek.
Prior to this retrograde beginning, I wondered how Mercury would be bringing our attention to some matter of the heart, so that we might better integrate it intellectually. Today, as I type out these thoughts, the Leonine theme of pride also has my attention.
As in: how much does pride factor into how, when, and from whom I ask for help? As someone who has taken some pride in my intellect and ability to write, what happens when I feel stuck and uninspired — or like I’m not able to live up to my usual standards, or the reputation I imagine I’ve built? What in my life am I currently not proud of — and how is that interfering with my ability to think clearly about it or take action to address it?
Like I said, this has been kind of a chewy Mercury retrograde for me. Not all bad — no, not at all!
In fact, I have made some progress in important ways, come to some crucial realizations, and had some fun. But I feel like it’s been asking me to take a much longer and harder look at certain things and how well they are (or are not) working.
Given that Mercury will be sorting itself out Wednesday in a harmonious relationship with Chiron, which is in late Aries, this also should not surprise me. Aries is the sign of “I am” and of initiative. Chiron represents deep healing processes — often beginning with a crisis, or with a new and pointed focus on the process.
Mercury and Chiron vibing on the same wavelength as Mercury stations suggests there’s some assistance available for assimilating the lessons of recent weeks. You don’t even necessarily have to do anything to receive it (though staying alert for these themes may help in appreciating the integration that’s occurring).
As Mercury finally stations direct at 5:14 pm EDT on Wednesday, listen closely.
Listen to any and all communication coming your way.
Listen to unexpected events, and their non-verbal messages.
Listen to how you are thinking about everything you encounter — including yourself.
Finally, listen to your heart to make the most of Leo’s creative and constructive warmth and light. It is likely a better guide than attaching to prideful ego — which has a way of cutting us off from what would serve our highest good and that of those around us.
If you receive a piece of missing information on Aug. 28 (especially if you did not even realize you were missing it), it just might be a key to moving forward in an even more empowered way compared to a month ago. May it be so for each of us.
With love,
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