Today’s Aquarius Full Moon looks a bit turbo charged! It is exact at 2:26 pm this afternoon, opposite the Sun in late Leo. The biggest question it seems to be asking is: At the heart of everything (in your heart), what are you truly devoted to? And what uncharacteristic, unplanned, or non-routine actions do you need to take to remember what it feels like to truly live that devotion so that everyone you encounter can see and know exactly where you stand?

The 2019 Aquarius Full Moon over the islands of Casco Bay, Portland, Maine. Photo by Amanda Painter.

As the Moon swings through late Aquarius today, it opposes the Leo Sun. In Leo, the Sun is flanked on either side by retrograde Mercury (the mind and communication) and asteroid Vesta (devotion, sacrifice, the hearth, your inner creative flame).

Making a T-shaped configuration with the Moon and the Sun cluster is Uranus in Taurus (“the cosmic spark plug,” surprises, reinvention). There’s more going on in the chart, but here are some thoughts to ponder focused on the themes mentioned so far:

What are you tending most religiously with your light, your warmth, your courage, and your compassion? These qualities are some of the most sacred we humans have, and they deserve to be shared with both conscious intention and intuitive sensitivity.

In what ways are you most dedicated to shining your light — for the benefit not only of those you care most about but also to benefit all humanity?

If you feel like you’ve “forgotten” your own sacred inner flame, or how to tend it, Mercury appears to be one of your guides to remember and reclaim it, and to reorient your mind toward it. Notice not only what catches your attention today, but how it feels to put your heart into it.

How are you seeing your heart’s fire reflected in the groups of people you associate with, identify with, or perhaps serve?

Where do you see a clear need to step up and sacrifice something for the greater good? On the other hand, are any relationships or obligations making it clear that you have been sacrificing too much, potentially due to pride or ego?

Where are you feeling a strong push, prod, antsy-ness, or disruption insisting that you do something differently to bring all of this into better balance? What habits, routines, or values need to adjust or be completely (re)invented to keep up with who you are becoming and what you’re devoted to bringing forth into the world?

Do you need to lean more into your lunar/receptive side or your solar/active side to bring yourself and your relationships into better balance? What is your internal dialogue like around these themes right now? Or are you having these conversations with another person or with a group?

I see an opportunity in the Full Moon chart for disruptions and “atypical” decisions to fuel your dreams. It’s in the form of Uranus making a supportive aspect with Neptune in Pisces. But you’ll have to act on these dreams and disruptions creatively and actively. This may take some careful discernment and honesty with yourself about just how much agency you have in what is unfolding.

As noted, Mercury’s retrograde review is a key part of this Full Moon. The Moon is reflecting back to you some essential piece of whatever Mercury has been asking you to reconsider, reclaim, or rework. Pay close attention to your inner mental chatter during this Full Moon. Likewise, notice the words you are saying — as well as the words you are holding back — when you communicate with others.

Simultaneous with the Full Moon, though not in direct alignment with it, Jupiter in Gemini is making a tense, action-provoking square to retrograde Saturn in Pisces.

My primary astrology mentor used to describe Jupiter and Saturn as representing a potter’s two hands shaping the clay on a potter’s wheel. Jupiter represents the principle of expansion, while Saturn represents the principle of constriction; Jupiter pushes out, Saturn pushes in.

If the potter only ever pushes outward with the hand inside the clay vessel, it widens too much — to the point of flopping over into a structure-less mess. And if the potter only ever pushes inward with the hand on the outside of the clay, it never grows into a new form; it remains a solid lump that can’t hold anything.

The potter needs to modulate the outward and inward pressure of both hands to create the desired vessel — something with a structured form and a spacious interior appropriate for its intended use. When those forces are balanced, the resulting clay vessel is both functional and beautiful.

In life, we need to wield Jupiter’s expansive energies in balance with Saturn’s constrictive energies in the same way as a potter. That balance will shift depending on what we are trying to create in life and where we are in the process (or in our stage of development). Sometimes a phase of over-focusing on one of those energetic imperatives meets with a sharp indication (a “life lesson”) that we need to shift our efforts toward the other one.

Which of your hands on the potter’s wheel needs to push a little harder right now?

Have you been pretty scattered and unfocused? Is it time to get “serious” and bring greater discipline, cautiousness, and focus to the pursuit of your goals?

Or have you been too self-limiting lately? Is it time to let loose and dare to dream a little bigger and reach a little further?

Both energies are necessary, but the balance will be different depending on your situation and what you are creating. Either way, our current astrological moment suggests that this dynamic, or questions about it, could be causing considerable inner tension.

Just remember: you are the point of reconciliation for these forces, so it is up to you to be honest with yourself about which part of the equation you need to lean into for the most beneficial and effective forward movement. You may discover the most ideal actions are a careful blending of these two energies, alternating in increments so that the balance does not shift dramatically either way: cut back a little here…expand a little there.

As you do, continue checking in: does this ultimately serve my heart’s devotion, no matter how distracted I may have gotten from it? And in tending my own inner flame, how can I hold space for another to do the same? How can my “light in action” serve the greater good and lift up those around me?

In the face of all the digital distractions, “us versus them” tribalism, and power imbalances we navigate on a daily basis, these questions seem to be at the heart of this Full Moon. They may be more important than ever.

With love,


Full chart for the Aquarius Full Moon. Vesta, the Sun, and Mercury are all in Leo toward the upper-right. Uranus is near the middle-right with a bold “27” next to it and the Moon is at the bottom, just to the left. Jupiter is above Uranus (next to Mars in Gemini) with a bold “17” next to it; Saturn is at the bottom in Pisces, next to the Moon.

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