Below are your horoscopes for the Leo New Moon and Mercury stationing retrograde. Quite possibly you’ve already noticed Mercury preparing to reverse apparent directions, in the form of miscommunication, uncooperative tech, or overlooked details.
Bear in mind there’s almost always a useful lesson in such events, though it can take a little time and distance to get the perspective necessary to see it clearly. (Then again, sometimes the message comes through loud and clear immediately.)
The New Moon is exact 7:13 am EDT Aug. 4 in mid-Leo, and Mercury stations retrograde in early Virgo at 12:56 am EDT Aug. 5 (see chart at bottom of post).
Over the three or so weeks it is retrograde, Mercury will travel backwards from early Virgo into late Leo, where it will station direct on Aug. 28.
Between the station retro occurring with the Leo New Moon and its location when it stations direct, it seems we’re all being asked to rediscover out heart connection, and carry a little (or a lot!) of it forward into how we think and communicate. Consider it the simplest, most basic form of service in the world, and to all who inhabit it.
I’ll be largely offline when these events occur. But I’ll gladly reply to questions and comments when I am able.
As always, I invite you to read these for your rising sign. Let me know in the comments if you don’t know your rising sign and you’d like me to it look up! (Or contact me with your birth time and location.)
With love,
Horoscopes for Leo New Moon and Mercury Station Retrograde – Aug. 4-5, 2024
ARIES — You’re no stranger to seeking pleasure and bringing a playful (and motivated) approach to the adventure of life. Right now you appear to have a lot of thoughts feeding that, and a need to communicate it all. You’re also not fond of taking time-outs. Yet if you do so around the Aug. 4 New Moon, you’ll be better able to hear yourself think and direct your energy even more enjoyably. This will come in handy as Mercury reverses direction Aug. 5-28. Despite your typical attention to detail when it comes to your health and your daily work, don’t be surprised if something in one of those departments makes you feel like your transmission just slipped a gear. The sensation is temporary. But while it’s in play, let it guide you to review any recent gambles or drama that may have led to this glitch. Introspection is gold when you’re willing to use what you learn.
TAURUS — If you’re at all like me, your desire to enjoy the outdoors this time of year may put you at odds with your ability to keep your house in order (literally, but also metaphorically). That dynamic can create tension, since you value being comfortable and function better in lovely environments. Have you thought about asking for help? I know that’s a vulnerable position to be in. Hear me out. The Leo New Moon is connecting you to robust resources that could enhance your sense of security…if you make the effort to access them, and set clear intentions for them. As Mercury retrogrades through August, review its message for Taurus: you can’t be too critical of something you’ve never tried — and the easiest way to try something is to treat it like a game. When you do, any result is worth receiving if you can take its lessons to heart and refine your next attempt.
GEMINI — You seem poised to change your mind on some matter related to how you’re feeling in or about your current home, or about your sense of security in general. Yet it might not be a true turnaround. In fact, it looks to me more like a reverse reconnaissance mission. That is, there’s something from the past you need to get a clearer look at, so you can update your files with more accurate intel. As you begin your review process, see if you can use the Leo New Moon to recharge your mental battery. You have considerable energy at your disposal, but possibly it’s been challenging to focus it on one or two top priorities. Pressing the “pause” button Aug. 4-5 could position you to communicate more clearly with those around you, with surprisingly beneficial results. (Even if it takes a couple tries while Mercury is retrograde.) As you reflect on what you’re learning, solutions should emerge for the issue you’ve been wrestling with.
CANCER — When you hear the word “resources,” do you think only of money and possessions, and then wonder if you have enough? There are numerous intangible resources that are just as (and at times even more) precious. For you, your innate connection to the unconscious and emotional realms is one of your most valuable assets. Each year your ruling planet, the Moon, meets up with the Sun in Leo to begin a new cycle of growth and understanding regarding your resources. Around Aug. 4, that process gets a major boost from your unconscious. Pay special attention to dreams, random thoughts out of nowhere, and intuitive nudges. Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo could describe details tripping up your thoughts and words. If that occurs, lean on your ability to feel into your reliable, non-verbal way of processing your environment. By the end of the month you’ll remember again how to let your heart speak.
LEO — If Leo season began this year with anyone or anything challenging you, I suspect you’ve stepped up to meet it handily. You’re not one to let your light get overshadowed for long. But have you engaged in much true introspection since? The Aug. 4 New Moon in your sign is an invitation to feel deeply into the source of your solar wattage: does it emanate from love and joie di vivre? Are there times when being so visible prompts you to overcompensate so others won’t notice what you perceive as shortcomings? Mercury stationing retrograde appears poised to remind you of a beautiful truth: it’s not what you have that makes you who you are. It’s what you do with it. Given all that you share with others, trust that any hiccups over the next few weeks can be sorted out best if you stay true to your values — and keep a close eye on the details.
VIRGO — Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to follow your brilliantly practical mind on a wholly impractical (and likely non-linear) rescue operation. I know how much you love helping people, so hopefully I’ve caught your attention — even though you may prefer the practical and the linear. One more twist: you won’t be rescuing somebody else this time. Rather, you’re being asked to reconnect with the source of your beautiful devotion to being of service in this wild world. If you’ve ever minimized your gifts and how much you help others, you may be surprised when you re-discover and recover what amounts to a whole solar array hidden deep in a cave. Record any dream-hints that arrive with the New Moon. They should help you recognize what Mercury’s asking you to finally grasp when it straightens out on Aug. 28. Remember to bring it with you, and you’ll be unstoppable.
LIBRA — On the one hand, this is one of your most effective times of year for networking and putting your considerable talents out into the wider world for all to see. On the other hand, you may find that you’re being called to help loved ones in an especially selfless way. Those two impulses are not mutually exclusive. They do, however, require extra clarity about your motives at any given time. It appears you’ll be receiving some insights in that department soon. Although Mercury is not your ruling planet, it will be serving in its role as messenger for you. Specifically it’ll be whispering in the language of your inner monologue. That might look like being overheard talking to yourself without realizing it, or some other moment of unconscious revelation (such as a dream). Don’t let it throw you. It’s just an opportunity to rebalance yourself compassionately, and to offer even greater sincerity to everyone you connect with.
SCORPIO — With the Sun in your zone of career and reputation, it’s time for you to step up and step out. Emerge from your carefully guarded depths and show us all what you’re working on! If life experiences have insisted you learn the difference between “healthy ego” and “egotism” the hard way, I realize this could be tender territory for you. However, the Leo New Moon describes an opportunity to recall those lessons from a much more peaceful place. You’ve earned your wisdom and can offer it with true compassion and humility now. As Mercury stations retrograde Aug. 5, you may find yourself revising your “vision statement,” some other type of career communication, or a plan you’d begun articulating to a group or team. As much as the details do matter, don’t be surprised if you’re better able to reconnect with the heart of your message closer to Aug. 28. Carry that spark forward, and you’ll be of even greater service.
SAGITTARIUS — Do you feel ready to hit the reset button on your philosophical, spiritual, or educational worldview? Typically you find comfort and security in freedom, yet possibly that has narrowed in the last year. In any case, it’s time to get out of the house (literally and metaphorically) to stretch your perspective and your legs. The Leo New Moon offers a chance to check in with how you got where you are. Meanwhile, a friend or partner is holding up a helpful mirror — and probably some worthwhile options to respond to. Even if it feels irritating or distracting in the moment, consider leaning into the opportunity. Let it fan your inner flame like a bellows. Mercury’s about to bring back some detail about a professional situation for reconsideration beginning Aug. 5. By the end of August, your mind should be reacquainted again with your heart — and you’ll feel ready to put both into service of your revamped plan.
CAPRICORN — As busy as your day-to-day work situation may be right now, the Leo New Moon on Aug. 4 is asking you to pause. You’re going through a process of reorientation this month. That might well involve another person in a deeply intertwined relationship. Or perhaps you’re being drawn to consider some inner, psychological underpinnings. Either way, your physical health and mental wellbeing may give signals that you need to slow down and dig — and the deeper you go, the more likely you are to strike gold. Can you be willing to share with others (or even one other) what you’re discovering? You’re more ready for a profound change of mind than you may realize. By the time Mercury stations direct on Aug. 28, you’ll be in prime position to get curious about new experiences. What you unearth this month will help you travel with a lighter heart.
AQUARIUS — You tend to do well with openly direct relationships; coyness and intrigue are not generally your thing. With the Leo New Moon in your zone of one-to-one relating, consider reflecting on how your long-term partnerships have grown, morphed, or come to a close. Even significant one-off encounters may be informative. A new cycle of relating is beginning for you, and you have an opportunity to boost the playfulness quotient of the people you attract in the coming year. To activate it, take the “risk” of verbalizing your creative urges and be willing to express what brings you pleasure (especially if you can’t decide between two or more options). I began this message by mentioning intrigue: as Mercury retrogrades beginning Aug. 5, it looks like it’ll be sharing a secret from a particularly intermingled situation. As you reconsider its implications, keep one ear to your heart.
PISCES — As the Sun moves through Leo — the fire sign on your zone of work and service — it has the potential to heat your watery nature till it turns to steam. Harness that and you’ll be a regular locomotive when it comes to doing whatever you need to do. This takes some inner security, but you seem to have that in spades currently. In this context the Aug. 4 New Moon might feel like a lull. It’s actually an important touchpoint to be sure you’re not chugging ahead so hard that your mental or physical health suffers. Pausing will also give you the opportunity to see and understand a curveball from a partner or opponent. Chances are it’s just a misunderstanding, but it may take a few weeks to sort itself out. In the meantime, consider if you have anything to lose by being generous instead of critical. It may well open the way to clarity, with no skin off your nose.
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