Tending your inner flame, the hearth of your generative and creative power -- your life force -- is essential to the ability to stay in connection with the world right now. I offer these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for that exact purpose.
The Sagittarius New Moon makes for a much-needed introspective pause, just as we tip into the accelerated swirl of the last month of the calendar year. The trials and treasures of Mercury’s retrograde review phase and Mars, planet of action and forward thrust now barely moving and about to station reto itself, call the tune for December.
Just days away from a fraught U.S. presidential election, I offer these horoscopes for whatever process of regeneration, catharsis, purging, or intention setting you may be engaged in. May they benefit the highest good of all.
Think of these horoscopes as an introspective rear-view mirror: what you see in them may actually be closer than it appears, and almost certainly deserves attention as you move forward, especially if you're still making sense of the last couple weeks.
Neptune features prominently in this Full Moon chart, barely three degrees away from the Moon. It’s a significant factor in how you may experience this eclipse, and in these horoscopes to help you enter this eclipse season.
Mercury stations retrograde on Aug. 5, several hours after the Aug. 4 Leo New Moon. Despite Mercury's reputation for miscommunication, uncooperative tech, and confusion, there are always deeper lessons with its reversals. These horoscopes are designed to help you hear them.
Happy solstice, everyone! I've written the horoscopes below for the combination Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon charts: a seasonal, solar turning point and a lunar peak.
The Moon is still in Taurus as I post this, and made its New Moon conjunction to the Sun at 11:22 pm EDT last night. Here are horoscopes for your Sun sign (your "birth sign") and your rising sign to help you consider what you're growing from this moment.
For this total solar eclipse the Sun and Moon will be *precisely* aligned with Chiron: known for raising our awareness for the purposes of healing. Chiron acts like a lens, focusing our attention, and I wrote these horoscopes to assist in that.
Preparing for eclipses is like approaching rapids while paddling a kayak on a river: the more you can intentionally point your kayak in the same direction as the current, the easier it is to flow with it toward your intended destination with minimal turbulence. Hopefully these horoscopes will help you do just that.