Before the horoscopes (below), I wanted to share a few additional thoughts.
I started examining the chart for this morning’s New Moon in Aquarius a few weeks ago, prior to the inauguration of our Criminal in Chief here in the US. Although I was aware that we were on the precipice of radical, destabilizing, terrifying change, I still find myself stunned by how swift and hard the drop is feeling right now.

Like most of the astrologers I know, I understood that Pluto entering Aquarius was heralding something like this: a shattering and refashioning of the relationship between tech and society; the likely undoing of the “American Experiment” (or “Empire,” if you prefer) as we’ve known it thus far; a need to re-conceptualize what “community” means and how we co-create it; awareness of how a rupture in common structures creates a void, and how those with (or seeking) power will rush to fill it.
But that theoretical awareness has not prevented my head from spinning when I dip into the news reporting for even a moment. “Shock and awe” indeed.
In response, I’ve kept the horoscopes below focused on the personal level. Largely because I think that’s always a useful starting point when facing events too sweeping to grasp; it offers solid purchase for feeling one’s way back to oneself along the precipice. To be sure, I’m not advocating you turn your back on our collective mess. I am suggesting that you regularly pull your awareness and your nervous system back out of the “overextension mode” that results from living life on the internet — especially in times of crisis and fear.
This New Moon was exact at 7:36 am EST this morning, Jan. 29, at 9 degrees Aquarius and 51 arc minutes (also known as the 10th degree of Aquarius).
Precisely square the New Moon is the asteroid Vesta in Scorpio. I’m going to lean on a description of Vesta written by my former astrology mentor, Eric Francis Coppolino, around 2010:
“With Vesta, [its] process involves the devotion of tending the inner hearth, be it for creativity, healing or service. At the center of our inner space is the fire of the soul that, in the complexities of physical life, rarely seems to burn on its own — it needs to be tended, loved and honored continually, so that it can thrive and flourish. When the flame is tended, the empire of our lives can thrive because there is integrity at the core of who we are, and fidelity to our purpose.”
I can’t imagine a more appropriate planetary body to have in a relationship of tension to this particular New Moon, at this specific time. In as much as this New Moon is partly an escort of the new presidential cycle engaging currently — and the attendant chaos — Vesta speaks clearly and eloquently of the choice we can make if we are to reconcile ourselves with this moment we are living in.
Scorpio, for all its fixity and emotional intensity, also has strong associations with deep transformation. This includes the kind that can come with metaphorical death or the flushing out of stagnant waters. But “transformation” also includes Scorpio’s generative power (sex) that results in new life.
Tending your inner flame, the hearth of your generative and creative power — your life force — is essential to the ability to stay in connection with the world right now (not necessarily sexually, but it may include that). The world needs as many of us as possible tending our inner spaces so we can show up for each other with integrity. From devotion to the inner hearth and the “fidelity of our purpose,” it’s not so big a stretch to participate in tending the hearth of collective wellbeing in our communities — which in turn support us.
Yet many of the traditional and official avenues we’ve depended on to facilitate collective wellbeing are being undone. And it looks like innovating new ones will be the task of “we the people” rather than centralized government. The interplay of the traditional and modern rulers of Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus, is on vivid display.
As astrologer Isabel Hickey wrote in explaining the dual Saturn-Uranus rulership of Aquarius:
“If we can understand these two energies we will understand what is happening in the world today. Without the responsibility inherent in Saturn the force of Uranus can cause destruction and chaos. Without discipline (Saturn) there can be no real freedom. Freedom without responsibility is license and not liberty.”
I believe Hickey was writing that in 1970. If she had that to say then, I can only imagine how she’d respond while witnessing 2025.
Perhaps she’d note that since Aquarius is the sign of groups, and a true group (as opposed to a mob or “mass consciousness”) is a collection of individuals, clearly individual consciousness and responsibility is perhaps more essential than it’s ever been. But it’s crucial to harness it in service to the common good. (How this differs from tribalism is another conversation for another time.)
I offer these thoughts and the horoscopes below for your rising and Sun signs in honor of your devotion to your inner flame. May tending it, and these writings, support your creativity, healing, and service to the highest good of all.
With love,
P.S. For those curious, in addition to Vesta in Scorpio, other aspects in the Aquarius New Moon chart factoring into these horoscopes include:
Jupiter in Gemini trine the New Moon
Mercury conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
Saturn conjunct the centaur Nessus in Pisces
Venus conjunct Neptune and the lunar North Node in Pisces
P.P.S. If I can support you through the current changes and uncertainty with an astrological consultation or some soul work sessions, please get in touch. And if you enjoy these horoscopes or find them helpful, you’re welcome to leave me a tip here as a form of energy exchange. Thank you for reading!
Aquarius New Moon and February Horoscopes
As always, I invite you to read your rising sign in addition to your Sun sign — and to comment or contact me if you need help figuring out what that is.
ARIES — Who is on your “team” currently? This can include your most private relationships, though your more public social associations likely have more of your attention now. Yet this New Moon is raising a question about how consciously you’re tending your sexual and creative energy, and possibly a situation of shared financial or emotional investment. Where is the point of tension between those personal topics and your renewed interest in how you show up in your wider community, and the gifts you freely offer the world? It may surprise you that actively leaning into one side of the equation more strongly will likely facilitate easier movement, rather than trying to work both at the same time. The order of operations appears to be from inner to outer: going deeper supports wider expansion. Articulating what you discover can help you keep the social connection that you’re craving.
TAURUS — You don’t really hit the “reset” button on your professional aspirations until a few weeks into each year. With this New Moon, consider probing into which short-term goals and activities hold water and will help you get where you want to go — and which constitute a holding pattern that’s ripe for disruption. Whether self-directed or externally imposed, disruption has been your core theme for about seven years. Uncomfortable as that’s been, you’ve grown tremendously in response. People around you are noticing, and you’re likely more comfortable putting yourself “out there.” Yet you’re also getting another kind of reminder. No matter what you aspire to, life still comes down to fostering 1:1 relationships. Start with the individuals closest to you. Then let them point you to your relationship with yourself. Stoking those fires is central to the rest of your mission.
GEMINI — In The Princess Bride Count Rugen tells Humperdink, “If you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything.” While this New Moon’s message for you is not nearly so absolute, that statement does hold an essential key. You seem to have your mind set on extending your reach this month. That could mean literal long-distance travel, or something more like deepening your education or spiritual seeking. Any of those scenarios will go better if you stay committed to the practices that serve and support your physical and mental wellbeing. This includes the positive facets of your job. It might feel frustrating to give energy to those things instead of to your broader vision, but doing so will help keep your loftier pursuits plumb with the rest of your life. Since October you’ve been asked to reflect on recent personal growth. Insights on that topic this week could prove especially helpful as you move onward & upward.
CANCER — As a sensitive sign that’s ruled by the Moon, New Moons are prime time for you to withdraw into your shell to get clearer on your inner currents — and whether they’re flowing in harmony with environmental currents. This week, certain factors are compelling you to dig deep into to some matter of shared resources with a partner, or possibly some kind of financial, genetic, or psychological inheritance. Your feelings about the situation, including about how it came to be and your options for going forward, are essential to track. Note that “tracking feelings” is not the same as “submerging in them.” You need to acknowledge these emotions and let them move through you so they won’t run the show unconsciously. That said, your unconscious does seem to be playing an expanded role lately. For clues, stay tuned for intuitive whispers, vivid dreams, and moments when you do not understand your own behavior. These hold keys to making new choices.
LEO — Think for a moment about the individuals you’re interacting with most. Who is communicating most clearly, or with the most exciting ideas? Who is consistently the most nourishing, and what exactly about them is feeding you? Who seems to be undergoing the most profound changes? Who is compelling you to change the most in response to them? In answering those questions, it may feel as though life is happening “to” you. That’s not actually true, but it raises an important point: locating a sense of stability in your relationships is not about exerting control over them. It’s a function of consistently tapping into your own inner strength. Your resilience comes from tending your creativity, your faith, your life force — however you categorize the emotional and psychological foundations you’ve built over the years. Relationships play out externally, but they always point you inward.
VIRGO — You have an opportunity this week for deeper insight into a matter of physical or mental health, or possibly a workplace situation. Your intuition is one key. Actual, thorough research is another. When we’re feeling stressed, anxious, or uncertain about the future, it can be easy to confuse worst-case fears with “intuition.” Getting ahold of some solid facts lets your mind do its job so your subtler senses can do theirs. Noticing who or what is a nourishing presence and bringing them into focus should help. Also notice friends or partners who are setting healthy boundaries, or showing up with compassion and purpose (or both). They’re serving as worthy models if you need inspiration. This New Moon is streaming insights as you review your recently expanded professional ambitions. Remember that the opportunity for revision is a gift and not a punishment — and an ideal beginning for your next chapter.
LIBRA — You appear to be newly energized when it comes to expressing yourself playfully. Is that taking the form of some kind of “brain child” such as an artistic creation? Or are you experiencing this in a romantic situation? Or is a “risk” now feeling simply like a fun adventure? Whatever the scenario, it’s receiving an infusion of sorts: some process of reviewing a previous grand vision you’d explored and abandoned is helping you to see things from a new perspective. You’ve accumulated new wisdom along the way. But rather than feeling serious or dry, those insights are a source of buoyancy. The one potential sticking point seems to relate to aligning all this with your deepest values. Most likely, it’s a reminder to tend to your sense of worth as separate from how others receive what you’re expressing. Actively serving truth, love, and humanity’s innate beauty is part of why you’re here, and ultimately what matters.
SCORPIO — Prior to the advent of central heating, houses were built around the hearth. That source of warmth, light, and sustenance was the core organizing principle of a home. But the hearth fire had to be tended continuously. Currently you are tending an inner fire related to a core facet of your identity. With this New Moon, however, something about this process may feel at odds with activity in your actual home. Or possibly you’re preoccupied with a family issue from the past that’s seemingly getting in the way of who you feel yourself to be. It’s all connected. Consider that the home — and the family in it — is a person’s original locus of safety and belonging (or lack thereof). Though we grow up, move away, and create new homes of our own, our household of origin is the basis of our sense of security and identity in the world. This includes whatever was or was not tended and loved into flourishing. Your ability to step into that sacred role now may be your greatest inheritance.
SAGITTARIUS — Have you ever noticed the tendency to fall into patterns of communication with people you’re in contact with frequently? Whether this means peers, relatives, or the baristas at your daily coffee stop, a kind of shorthand can develop. At first this feels efficient, even intimate. But it can also feed assumptions or lead to taking meaning and connection for granted. These little habits of communication and thinking (and how they shape each other) are up for a refresh currently. In fact, you’re in a long-term process of becoming more aware in that department. This week’s New Moon is an invitation to chart a new approach — especially if you find yourself speaking in ways you did not intend. Consider also a current friend or partner whose influence or impact on you is significant. Chances are you’re learning a lot about yourself through this relationship that you can put to use in all your interactions.
CAPRICORN — Do you feel like you’re trying to build a fence around some corner of your psyche? Your emotions tend to saturate your thinking, which can feel a little swampy and make boundaries confusing. But you can’t fence in water any more than you can fence in air. Instead, think in terms of responsibility or authority: you have the authority to recognize your thoughts and feelings, own them, and let them pass through. And you have a responsibility to communicate them, rather than expecting others to intuit your cryptic moods. This week’s New Moon opens up space for you to connect with your most valuable resources in this endeavor: your inherent sense of self-worth, and your values. Your daily work is likely proving extremely gratifying, as well; though it does not determine your worth. It is, however, offering the kind of structure, purpose, and benefits that put you in the frame of mind to notice your blessings — a shift that’s way more effective than a fence.
AQUARIUS — We’ve entered the time of year when you feel best able to recharge on a fundamental level and project all that juicy energy outward. It even looks like you’re accessing some notably playful or creative outlets for that. Yet you’ve received a mandate recently to go deeper with your self-understanding than perhaps you ever have before. Is that awareness coming through noticing your own inner experience, insights, and unanswered questions? Or have changes in your environment prompted you to look within as a means to show up as your most real self yet? Either way, this New Moon describes a question: How can you tend the passionate devotion you feel to your worldly responsibilities and life’s calling while simultaneously figuring yourself out? Perhaps a better question is: what on Earth could ever make you think those processes might be separate?
PISCES — Of all the signs, you may be the most adept at following a trail of breadcrumbs through your psyche’s hard-to-see nooks and crannies. But that doesn’t always mean it feels easy. The everyday demands of the world can get in the way of your preferred meditative pursuits and creative outlets all too regularly. This New Moon is signaling a need to tend your spiritual integrity in response to some hard-to-define unconscious drives. Partly this will involve setting aside enough solo time for your deepest forms of devotion. When you come up for air, keep an eye out for friendly souls who know how to let you be yourself. They’ll help you feel your way back into two of your current prime directives. The first is to practice owning your psychic sponginess rather than making others responsible for it. The second is pouring all of the compassion, creativity, and love that you have at your disposal into the world.
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