Winter grasses or shooting stars shot from the Sagittarian archer’s bow? Photo by Amanda Painter.

I began writing these horoscopes for the Sagittarius New Moon, which was overnight Nov. 30 into Dec. 1 (exact at 1:21 am EST on Sunday). But as I wrote, weaving that time in amidst holiday preparation and the rearrangement of plans due to the weather, it became clear the scope (ha!) of these horoscopes is broader than just the New Moon moment and the new cycle it initiates. Which is fitting, given the big-picture style of Sagittarius.

These interpretations for your Sun and rising signs still speak to the New Moon — an introspective pause, just as we tip into the accelerated swirl of the last month of the calendar year. But these horoscopes also explore the trials and treasures of Mercury’s review phase while retrograde; as well as the curious sensation of Mars, planet of action and forward thrust, as it travels a mere one-sixth of a degree this week and then stations to apparent backward motion in Leo on Dec. 6.

And let’s not forget Jupiter, ruler of Sagittarius, retrograding its own way through opposite sign Gemini. (Gemini is my 12th house, and I have to say my dreams have been off the hook lately.) Jupiter’s situation of mutual reception with Mercury feels especially…”special” to me. As though Jupiter is somehow softening Mercury’s tricks to the level of “quirky” rather than “full disaster” — but then again, I did not have to travel this past week, so my perspective is definitely limited. Hopefully I did not just jinx myself.

On a more serious note, much has changed in our collective perception and reality in the month since the last set of horoscopes I published here. And those changes are far more sobering than a typical Mercury retro SNAFU. I recognize that for many, the world is suddenly feeling very narrow, and much less safe. May these twelve sign interpretations help you to find some grounding and orientation, and serve your highest good.

As always, I invite you to read your rising sign in addition to your Sun sign — and to comment or contact me if you need help figuring out what that is. If I can support you through the current changes and uncertainty with an astrological consultation or some soul work sessions, please get in touch.

With love,


P.S. If you enjoy these horoscopes or find them helpful, you’re welcome to leave me a tip here as a form of energy exchange. Thank you for reading!

Sagittarius New Moon / December 2024 Horoscopes

ARIES — A recent opportunity to take a creative chance or play more appears to have buoyed you. At the same time, you may feel it hasn’t been enough, or like you can’t connect it directly to a satisfying next step. That time will come. For now, see if you can let it inspire some self-reflection of a more expansive nature. Start by reviewing how recent desires, actions, and frustrations have brought you to this point. But don’t stop there. Consider also where you want to aim next. What feels like the most foreign yet exciting field of knowledge you might pursue? What’s the furthest you’d like to travel? What spiritual mystery (or facet of your own psyche) are you finally open to exploring? I know it can be annoying to feel low in energy and options yet restless at the same time. The more you commit to recognizing your insights and intuitions, the more legroom you’ll reclaim for yourself in the coming months.

TAURUS — What does “transformation” mean to you? I ask partly because you’ve been reinventing yourself in very tangible and personal ways for a while now. Much of that has been self-directed and creative. But you’ve also had to respond to sudden instances of shock and loss. Even so, it’s possible for a person to make changes without fully surrendering to the process. I doubt that’s been true for you. Just in case, however, you should know that I see indications that the more disciplined you can be in your spiritual practices, the more nourishment you’ll receive from them — no matter how much your world has upended. During the next few weeks I also suggest reviewing your most emotionally, sexually, and/or financially merged relationships. You are beginning a new cycle with these people. The more aligned they are with your inner processes, the freer you’ll feel to stay true to who you’re becoming.

GEMINI — Who is most prominent in your life right now? You might name a significant other, a business partner, or another person you have meaningful, regular, one-on-one contact with. These relationships will offer the most useful insights about yourself over the next few weeks. That’s true even if you’re in conflict with them, and might be especially true then. Any conflict is an invitation to understand yourself better: your desires and goals, your assumptions and expectations, your impact on others, and the filters through which you interpret the world. If you’re confused by someone’s actions (or if they seem confused by you) compassion and an honest desire to understand will likely yield better results this month compared to frustration. Is your sense of obligation to an authority figure (such as a parent, or a boss at work) seemingly standing in the way of a cherished goal? Direct communication with those involved could reveal more freedom than you expected — or at least a creative way to meet others’ needs and your own.

CANCER — What’s ready for a refresh regarding your daily habits or some matter of your physical and mental wellness? Looked at one way, it appears the universe is insisting on greater diligence and discipline in some matter of educational or spiritual exploration. This may seem to limit your options regarding what you usually do to feel balanced and healthy. But does it really? I’d say it’s more like the equivalent of sticking to your gym commitment even on days you’d rather not: you end up stronger sooner, and that gives you more options for how you can move. I think you know intuitively that some structure and discipline help you to harness your innate flow more effectively, even if you chafe at the thought. What’s more: it looks like a potential new workplace relationship or collaboration could begin soon. You’re also coming up on an important review phase of the energy and desire it takes to pursue and use your various resources, including financial. All of this is connected.

LEO — Are you currently reconsidering your approach to risks or to your more daring forms of fun? You’re poised to begin a new adventure of some kind. And yet it seems like this brainchild could use a thorough review or revision before you let that arrow fly. Your enthusiasm for life is legendary, and few can rein you in when you get excited. So sometimes the universe steps in to slow you down just enough to keep you from overextending yourself. Notice whether it’s a particular person that’s putting the squeeze on you, or a sense of duty or service to something greater. While you can always renegotiate your contracts with other humans, your contract with your soul’s purpose requires you to lean into it. As a natural leader, you have everything to gain by doing so. Your ambition is set to turn inward soon. You’re being given an opportunity to learn more about the motives and desires that make you who you are. With that understanding, life’s playground can only get wider.

VIRGO — You’re used to periodically reviewing and revamping various facets of your life, bringing a mix of careful analysis and creativity to the process. Yet something relating to your literal home or your sense of security seems to be in need of repair. If this is a matter of renovating your living space, be thorough and pay attention to details. However, I have a feeling you may be struggling with feeling “at home” in yourself in some way. Thoroughness will be helpful here, too — though this process is less about “measure twice, cut once” and more about accessing your emotional foundations. When was the last time you felt a similar call? Is a past experience ready to be reframed, updated, or better understood through the context of the present? Although responsibilities to a partner or collaborator may seem to limit the ways you can work through this, they may actually provide the exact container you need.

LIBRA — Thanks to the internet, we hear from people all over the world all the time. Currently, however, those nearby may have more of your attention. Who are you talking to the most? And are you listening closely to all that you hear from them? Are any of these conversations causing you to rethink your opinions or the ways that you share them? As you consider these questions, hold off on final conclusions for now, but perhaps take notes. Notice too whether any health restrictions or obligations in your work life have been narrowing your ideas of what is possible. Seeking the balance between those limits (real or perceived) and your need for some freedom and connection might be simple even if it’s not always easy. Luckily, your social circles are currently a great source of energy for you. What have you typically wanted from that part of your life? Group relationships are key to achieving your goals now. In the coming weeks, look for opportunities to coordinate your needs with those of others for the best results. It may involve some backtracking.

SCORPIO — Have you found yourself reconsidering what’s most important to you lately? I doubt you’re engaging in a full overhaul of your values, but it looks like there may be some hiccups afoot. If it’s a matter of income and expenses, extra attention to the details are likely all that’s needed to sort things out and get back to your usual generous habits. If you’re being prompted to review things like your faith in humanity or your own sense of worth, that’s a deeper dive — yet one you’re well suited to. You’re at the start of a long-term phase guiding you to examine your sense of “home” in both literal and figurative ways. This month, that concept may feel at odds with your more worldly ambitions. It seems you’re just getting started on a goal that’s very important to you. If you start to feel like you’re losing traction, don’t let it get to you. You’re being offered a chance to recharge your batteries. As you do, your sense of what’s possible should expand. This will prove especially helpful in the long run.

SAGITTARIUS — Your primary mission this time of year is to channel your considerable energy out into the world, and to feel recharged by doing so. Yet it looks like you’re running up against an intensification of duty and obligation right now. Can you work with this, rather than reacting against it? Some person or circumstance appears to be insisting you focus on the foundations of your sense of security. That might be your literal house. It could also refer to old emotional patterns and processes, or a parental matter. Either way, the more willing you are to put in the work this week, the greater your potential benefits in the long run. It looks like you’ve just whet your appetite with some new concept or area of exploration. But before you can run with it, you may need to renegotiate a matter of shared resources over the next couple months. Both you and a close partner of some kind are engaged in mutual phases of introspection and review. Keep communicating to each other about your discoveries. As your world opens back up in the coming weeks, it will likely feel even wider than before.

CAPRICORN — Imagine you’re standing outside a locked room. How can you know what’s going on inside, if breaking in is not an option? You could try listening at the door for clues, or knock and call out to see if anyone replies or opens the door. Currently, your awareness is being drawn to the “locked room” of your chart, symbolizing your unconscious. Discovering its contents requires similarly indirect means. Recall when your actions have not matched your conscious intentions this past year. At these times, the people around you received signals about you that run counter to what you think you want and who you think you are. Luckily this is a particularly rich time for you to observe these patterns and understand them better, so they don’t run the show. Writing down your dreams or speaking them out loud to someone this month could further help you align intentions and actions. This will serve you especially well if the needs of a partner or investment flare up in the coming months.

AQUARIUS — You tend to be well known for your community contacts and sense of social mission. And although this is traditionally a time for you to focus in that area, it’s taking slightly different shape this year. I see indications that you may be reviewing the relationship between how you invest your energy toward your highest ideals for humanity and the benefits of more personal forms of pleasure and self-expression. They are always in communication. Sometimes, however, the balance needs to shift a little one way or the other. Current astrology may signal something of a withdrawal from your more public spheres. Are you feeling pressure to address your finances with greater due diligence? Or is there some other resource you value highly that now feels restricted — or restricting? Working within those limits now should position you to reengage the wider world with your usual freedom before long.

PISCES — What is the most prominent facet of your career that you’re currently reconsidering? You may want to take good notes these next few weeks about the hiccups, second thoughts, and arrow-like insights you encounter in this part of your life. Your ability to respond to them from a place of security and abundance is potentially enhanced. Even so, this may not be the most opportune moment to act on these hints and curveballs. Hence the usefulness of clear notes, kept someplace dependable. I realize you may feel restless for complete freedom to start a whole new professional chapter. But I see a suggestion to pause and notice seeming barriers to your goals. Consider how many spiritual and creative practices benefit from a disciplined approach or a defined form along the way to mastery. The more you can lean into that this week, and through much of the year, the greater your options in the long term.

Chart for the Sagittarius New Moon. Note Mars in Leo at the top-left of the chart, virtually stationary, and Jupiter in Gemini just to the top-right. The Moon, Sun, and Mercury are at the bottom, just to the left, and are applying in a square aspect to Saturn in Pisces on the right, below the horizon line.

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