Happy solstice, everyone!

I’ve written the horoscopes below for the combination Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon charts. The Sun officially entered Cancer at 4:51 pm EDT today to begin the new season, heralding the longest day here in the Northern Hemisphere.

The Full Moon is exact tomorrow at 9:08 pm EDT, featuring the Capricorn Moon opposite the Cancer Sun, in the second degrees of their respective signs.

As always, I invite you to read these for your rising sign as well. Your rising sign is determined by your exact time of birth, and is another significant indicator of personal identity and expression. In fact, often when I read horoscopes by others and read my rising sign and Sun signs, they both speak to my circumstances and inner experience equally well; sometimes one resonates more than the other.

***If you would like to know your rising sign, feel free to message me with your exact time, place, and date of birth and I’ll look it up for you.***

For readers living where it’s hot & humid today: do what you can to stay cool!

Photo by Amanda Painter.

If you’re out and about, consider offering assistance to those who may not have water or shade today. (And remember to be patient with each other out on the road, and with anyone working in non-AC environs!) Cancer is the sign of “taking care,” after all.

As you likely know, Cancer is a water sign, represented by the crab: protective on the outside, tender on the inside; generally moving sideways instead of straight ahead.

Photo by Amanda Painter.

Cancer is represented by the Moon and its cycles, and relating strongly to our emotional tides and sense of safety. It begins the second quarter/season of the astrological year, and roughly marks the middle of our civil calendar.

The solstice is also a moment when the Sun is igniting a very sensitive area of the zodiac associated with the intersection of personal and collective/political themes. What we do individually does indeed affect the world around us. We’re all interconnected, locally and globally…literally and metaphysically.

May these horoscopes support you and all beings in healing, wholeness, caring, and celebration.

With love,


Horoscopes for the Cancer Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon

ARIES — You feel most secure when you know clearly what you want and why, and can go straight after it. In fact, it looks like you have plenty of energy at your disposal now to grow or enhance your resources at a steady, persistent pace. The catch: you need to have a clear understanding of your feelings at (and about) “home.” I mean both your literal home and the sense of safety you carry within you. If something has kicked up any insecurity recently, figure out exactly why that is. Doing so will let you turn the key in the ignition and get moving again — or help you shift into an even higher gear. Something or someone in your professional sphere may shed additional light on this dynamic during the Full Moon.

TAURUS — If you’re having trouble getting going on something, where’s the holdup? You appear to have an abundance of resources (including intellectual) to support you. Yet that could translate into seeing too many priorities to pursue at once, given typical “Taurus speed.” With the solstice comes a reminder to think locally (short reach) to feel your way to a viable starting point, no matter how global your vision or long-term your needs. Your thought processes tend to cycle organically. The trick is to sense when energy is building for an idea so you can act on it while the tide is high and then get carried along on the current. This will help you avoid getting bogged down in “feelings” about all the other goals and tasks you think you “should” prioritize. Their right moments will then emerge.

GEMINI — Is your mind on your money and your money (or lack thereof) on your mind? How are you feeling about your financial situation? How about all of the other resources you can access (i.e., friends and family, your talents and ideas, the values that guide you, past lessons learned)? You’re in a year of great potential growth and opportunity. Yet the solstice is accentuating the need to get clearer on how your emotions may be influencing your thoughts, and vice versa — for better and for worse. A relationship involving shared or merged resources is coming into direct focus. Your decisions now could have far-reaching effects, making careful discernment of thoughts and feelings key.

CANCER — Your season is gracing you with some keen emotional intelligence, particularly about yourself. That statement may surprise you if you’ve been feeling at all confused lately about your own desires, motives, or actions. With your ruling planet, the Moon, coming into its Full phase the day after solstice, consider letting a partner or one-to-one encounter shed some light. I’m not suggesting you let someone else tell you who you are or what you should do. Rather, notice their responses to you, and pay attention to how you feel and react in return. Separating emotions like fear and sentimentality out from your intuition’s true guidance is key to thriving this month.

LEO — It looks like you’re rekindling your devotion to making sure that who you are at your core is burning brightly for others to see. With the Sun’s arrival in Cancer, it’s time to get extra honest with yourself about how this is going. You have an opportunity to notice and flush out any ways that your conscious intentions are not being reflected in your actions. This takes genuine humility. Uncomfortable as that may be, noticing it for yourself is the gentler way to go. If Friday’s Full Moon arrives with any health flare-ups or workplace kerfuffles, consider it a beacon showing you where to look. A key emotion hiding in your subconscious could be revealed. Empathy for its origins should help you realign inner flame with outer expression.

VIRGO — As analytical and logical as you are (and enjoy being), you align beautifully with people who flow in more intuitive and emotional streams of thought. This time of year always highlights just how mutually beneficial it can be to connect with your “tribes” and “teams” of this sort. Contributing your mental precision is a way to put your strong service-oriented impulses into the world. Although, beware any habitual, sentimental tendencies to try carrying that entire world. (In fact, I see an opportunity to shore up a boundary with someone in that regard.) This week may highlight just how well your creative projects and adventures are setting the stage for collaboration in some public space.  

LIBRA — You know how your body breaks down and metabolizes the food you eat in order to release the energy needed to live and grow? The solstice and Full Moon appear to be catalyzing a similar process in your self-awareness. Although you may be focused on your career or some worldly goal, it is connecting with your sense of identity, your sense of security, and your partnerships. Whatever is “breaking down” in your self-concept is the fuel for breakthrough insights — the kind that not only help you feel more at home in yourself, but also enable you to better care for others in balanced ways. If a situation involving merged resources has become a source of conflict, look for how you can give and receive equitably, even if not in exactly the same modes.

SCORPIO — Who are you working in partnership with? Who is acting more like an opponent or an irritant? Would you believe me if I told you that either of these people has an equal chance of energizing your personal philosophy or your spiritual understanding? In both cases there’s an opportunity to receive interactions as a gift designed by the universe for your highest good. It’s all in how you use what’s being given, and how you reciprocate. Sometimes harmony is the result of airing grievances. With the solstice and the Full Moon, support is arriving for whatever you are birthing, no matter how many times you’ve tried previously. Something essential to who you are is ready for the wider world. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking otherwise.

SAGITTARIUS — Your attention is turning to the situations where you share resources (including power) or a deep emotional bond with another. You’re not generally the overly sentimental type, but this is one area of your life where your sensitivities can sometimes trump your philosophies. Are your thoughts generating feelings, or are your feelings influencing your thinking? As the Full Moon sweeps through, it should help you see all that you’re giving to a particular person, and how it’s transformed you. Your ruling planet Jupiter is in your zone of partnerships. Anyone and everyone who shows up this year has the potential to expand your sense of what’s possible when it comes to mutually beneficial relationships.

CAPRICORN — Time for a swim-buddy! That is, this is the time of year when you typically benefit from partnering up with someone (or a variety of “someones”) for various goals and activities. This might mean equal partnership or consulting with a professional. Either way, working as part of a unit will not only help you accomplish more, you stand to learn valuable insights about yourself — and about relating in general. Yes, this can get messy. It’s not clear-cut like a top-down hierarchy (which has its place). But the dynamic of interchange and mutual accountability can be quite fertile. If conflict with a partner accompanies the Full Moon, approach it as an opportunity. Clarify thoughts and feelings now, and you’ll collaborate even more effectively. 

AQUARIUS — With the solstice, you gear up for peak physical and mental efficiency in your daily responsibilities. And yet I see a suggestion that this might feel more irritating than usual, at least at first — like it’s a distraction from some deeper soul searching you’re engaged in. As the Full Moon moves through, your unconscious may reveal hints about what’s out of sorts and how to readjust. These signals could arrive through dreams and meditation, or through actions that don’t match what you say. Also notice how coworkers respond emotionally to you, though their feelings are not your responsibility. They’re simply potential clues to what’s in the background — like when someone tucks in a shirt tag you didn’t know was showing.

PISCES — Your creative flow — the kind that’s more intuitive than intellectual — is rising with the solstice. You have a flair for both types, but expressing your passions and sensitivities without a lot of mental translation can feel like sliding into a warm bath. It’s been an exciting and potentially stressful three months. As a result, you may not yet trust that you’re safe enough to truly relax and dare to play a little. But your traditional ruling planet, Jupiter, is now watching over your zone of home and security. Meaning: nesting activities and attention to family and other domestic concerns can only enhance your art making, lovemaking, and other adventures, rather than distracting from them. If you feel at odds with a friend during the Full Moon, channel that energy into one of these activities and see what you discover.

Full chart for the Capricorn Full Moon. The Sun is on the lower-right, with Venus and Mercury in Cancer. At the time of the Sun’s ingress of Cancer on June 20, the Moon was in early-mid Sagittarius.

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