The chart for today’s Pisces Full Moon and partial lunar eclipse is chock-full of interesting factors, but the biggest standout is Neptune barely three degrees away from the Moon. It’s a significant factor in how you may experience this eclipse: the ways its insights filter through your intentions like light in an impressionistic painting, and the dissolution of whatever is ready to drift away.
As always, I invite you to read for your Sun sign and your rising sign. (And if you don’t know your rising sign or why it matters, you’re welcome to message me.)
May you find support and useful perspectives in these horoscopes, and may they support the highest good of all concerned. I wish you an insightful two weeks between eclipses, punctuated by the Libra equinox on Sept. 22, as we close out one season and embark on a new one.
With love,
Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Horoscopes for Sept. 17, 2024
ARIES: Remember years ago when those optical illusions were all the rage, the ones where you were supposed to squint at a page covered in a wild pattern and let your eyes lose focus until a “hidden” picture emerged? Right now, that’s actually a great strategy for getting a handle on this Full Moon and lunar eclipse — only instead of letting your physical eyeballs glaze over, we’re talking about your “inner sight.” Whether your unconscious is speaking in dreams, intuitive tugs, or emotional reactions that seem to have nothing to do with the matter at hand, the message is unlikely to be obvious and straightforward. That doesn’t mean it’s impossible to make out. It’s just a reminder that you can’t stare straight at your unconscious and expect to understand it, because…it’s unconscious. This month your energy’s been focused on your daily work, the people you work with, and how much healthier you feel when you’re serving a whole that’s greater than its parts. Aiming your conscious attention there should actually allow the Moon’s message to come through in a shape you can use.
TAURUS: You’ve heard that practice makes “perfect.” But what would it mean to “perfect” your playfulness, creativity, and pleasurable risk-taking? Those two concepts — perfection and playfulness — are pretty much diametrically opposed: play, art, and risk all carry an inherent messiness. Some would even judge it as “not seriousness.” It’s a conundrum — until you zoom out to a broader view. All of life is a grand experiment in which “getting it wrong” often means we’re doing it right, and learning exactly the lessons we’re here for. This Full Moon and lunar eclipse is metaphorically dimming the glare of “the public’s” gaze for a moment. This should help you get a better sense of how all those people you know (and everyone you don’t know) are all swimming in the same soup you are. You’ve made significant changes in some major areas of your life in recent years. You can afford to stand on the hard-won ground you’ve gained, share your perfectly imperfect gifts, and trust that the world around you will be better for it.
GEMINI: You’ve been energized on the home front, using your active mind to focus on the details of what makes you feel content, secure, and in order. Yet it looks like just as you’re ready to get creative or take a leap of faith, all you can see are limits and cautions. With this Full Moon and lunar eclipse, however, you’re being offered a peek at the “wizard” behind the curtain who pulls all the levers and bellows into a microphone. Authority figures are real, sure — especially in professional or otherwise public spheres, where hierarchies can have significant power. But it’s the internalized version of a particular “authority’s” voice that’s more important to see for what it is, because it’s not your own — and it’s distorted. It might not be clear immediately who’s standing behind that curtain. But as you begin separating the illusion from reality, notice the ways your growing sense of security is being reflected by the world around you.
CANCER: On the one hand, you appear quite focused mentally on the concrete: the steps you need to take to get (or keep) your immediate environment in order, and the minutiae you need to think of and communicate to accomplish that. But what’s it all for, in the grander scheme? This Full Moon and lunar eclipse is calling you to sense deeper and further. What you pick up on may feel like disillusionment, as something turns out to be not what you believed it was. But if that means perceiving some new truth that enlarges your world and your place in it, consider any confusion or disappointment a blessing in disguise. Feelings are temporary. True, they can be important and useful flags (signaling, for example, that a boundary has been transgressed). But once you’ve understood their purpose and responded, continuing to wave that flag only eats up energy. A more expansive experience is calling you, and distant shores — literal or spiritual — hold a key to your future trajectory.
LEO: Have you had to work a good bit harder the last several months regarding a situation where there’s an agreement? The arrangement might be fully conscious or more assumed, but appears to center around shared resources. Chances are, you’re reviewing where each person’s boundaries and responsibilities fall. You may even be seeking to renegotiate, or to find more solid footing — especially if feelings about it have been fuzzy or complicated, despite your typically practical approach to what’s yours and how you share it. The Full Moon and lunar eclipse signifies a key opportunity for you: to get clearer on your values so you can more clearly navigate the other person’s values. This could be challenging if emotions run high, especially disappointment around a long-held illusion or feelings of not being “seen” accurately. Stick with the process anyway. What’s revealed should help you move forward in the relationship under new terms that work better for all involved.
VIRGO: By all accounts, this looks like prime time for you: you are energized and visible, your mind appears focused, and you’re likely embodying a sense of purpose and service. Yet what — or who– is emerging on the horizon? Is it a high-vibration co-creator or artistic inspiration? Or has somebody’s mask finally slipped, letting you see their true motives and feelings? This Full Moon and lunar eclipse is calling for you to exercise careful discernment between your intuition and the moods of others. What’s revealed has the potential to help you build on the spiritual and creative evolution you’ve been engaged with for years. Even if you feel like you’re hitting a wall of some kind, consider it a temporary pause. As challenging emotions begin dissipating, your mind should refocus just fine. You’re moving in the right direction; this is just a phase of re-adjustment.
LIBRA: Lately it seems as though most of your brightest ideas have been your least conscious. That may sound impossible, or like an oxymoron. Really it’s just an expression of the ways your subconscious may be trying to get your attention so you can do some spiritual-emotional housecleaning. Possibly your intuition and dreams have been dropping hints. With this Full Moon and lunar eclipse, it’s your workplace and work relationships that are prime mirrors. They’re showing you what’s asking to be recognized and reckoned with. Notice the reactions of the people you serve with (in any sense). They hold valuable clues as to whether you have any unconscious intentions overruling what you say you are trying to do. Curious or inexplicable health issues are another signal to watch for. Additionally, you have an enhanced ability right now to be sincerely direct with a partner or friend who’s a little over-focused on their own struggles. Doing so could bring out the best in both of you.
SCORPIO: As private as you are about so many things, this one of the times of year when you have the most to gain by letting the world see more of what you’re up to. And by “gain,” I mean that the more eyes and energy turning your way, the better you’ll be able to harness it in service to some larger project or ideal that guides your life. I’d even say that the quieter you’ve kept your goals, the greater the potential positive impact on others if you dare to reveal them — even just briefly. This Full Moon and lunar eclipse is especially infused with creativity — and it’s happening in your zone of play and pleasurable adventure. Can you turn it all into a game? Framing it that way will help loosen the sense of “consequences” that you likely attach to being “seen” by others. Notice who’s showing up on your team, and how you respond to their dedication to your common cause.
SAGITTARIUS: Chances are, the last dozen years or so have featured many shifts in your home life or sense of security, cycling through idealism, disillusionment, confusion, and back to a beautiful vision of what it means to feel (and be) “at home” — perhaps several times over. Certain constructive, long-term effects of this lengthy phase may not be obvious on a day-to-day basis because they’ve been subtle. As the Full Moon lunar eclipse sweeps through your zone of security it is reflecting everything so intensely on an emotional/subconscious level, it could be hard to see clearly and keep perspective. Yet when the Earth’s shadow dims the light reflecting off the Moon, it’s like an energetic version of dimming your headlights while driving through thick fog: suddenly you can see the shapes of your surroundings more clearly than you could with the high beams simply scattering off the dense mist. During this moment of “low beams” inner vision, consider how all the “home”-related stuff has affected the ways you show up in the world. You’ll likely feel freer than ever to serve your soul’s purpose.
CAPRICORN: Regardless of what other spiritual practices or religious traditions you may engage in, tangible achievement is a core guiding principle for you. Work is one of the ways your soul finds its most satisfying discoveries and most expansive self-expression. This time of year is especially ripe for that. Yet you also need to beware of getting overly dogmatic, or losing sight of what you’re truly in service to with all this heavy lifting. To that end, notice how your thoughts are flowing. Not what you are thinking about, but the habits and patterns of how one thought leads to another. How sensitive is that progression to disturbances in your local environment? Some people set up hard, reactive defenses against such psychic-emotional intrusions. Other people are completely at their mercy. Perhaps there is a middle way? Sort of like how a strainer lets water pass through, without losing its structure or blocking out “the good bits.” With this Full Moon and lunar eclipse, you appear to have an opportunity for either a creative breakthrough or a moment of disillusionment. Here’s the thing: both scenarios contain equal potential to help you filter the “good bits,” evolve, and fine-tune your next steps.
AQUARIUS: “You only truly have what you share.” An ex used to say this to me. And although I could not always trust his motives, you tend to live this maxim in its fullest humanitarian expression. Whether it’s concerning resources as literal as money or as intangible as time and your earned wisdom, you’re generally generous (or are learning to be). That generosity returns to you many-fold. Yet this Full Moon plus lunar eclipse is illuminating the specifics of one of your most intricately merged relationships. Typically this situation has been a source of deeply transformative power for you, and that is still true. However, I see a reminder here to notice if you begin over-analyzing this relationship (or your process of inner evolution) on a purely mental level. The mind is a useful tool but your heart and soul give it true purpose; they inform your values. If you’re at all confused about what’s yours versus what’s shared, this eclipse should resolve into a clearer picture in the coming days.
PISCES: You might be feeling especially sensitive right now — emotionally, psychically, energetically, even physically. That can be uncomfortable, particularly if you’re engaged with a confrontation or other interaction demanding significant bandwidth. Instead of withdrawing completely in response (which is a tried-and-true tactic of yours that’s often beneficial), do you see any opportunity to engage the other person more creatively? True, that takes more energy, though don’t discount the ways you might be able to surf the wattage aimed in your direction. There’s significant likelihood that you’ll either discover new inspiration or uncover something that has been hidden. Even confusion may turn out to be an opportunity in disguise if it prompts you to pause a course of action while feeling out your options. My strongest caution concerns alcohol and any other consciousness-shifting substances, no matter how “spiritual” they’re purported to be. Eclipses call for a steady hand on the rudder.
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