The moment the Sun enters Aries for this year's March equinox, it comes into contact with three very interesting minor objects that speak pointedly to current world situations, our individual engagement with them, and how we navigate the balance between light and dark.
How are you feeding yourself and others today? I'm talking about literal food and nutrients as well as spiritual and emotional forms of nourishment and nurturing. Are you recommitting to a more disciplined or structured approach? Are recent choices in this realm already showing bigger effects than usual -- whether desired or unintended?
Sunday's convergence of the Sun and Moon in Pisces is the last lunation before we begin the spring eclipse season. Taking a little time this weekend to slow down and feel into your intuition, creativity, or any meditative practice could prove useful preparation for when spring gets going in earnest, and hopefully these horoscopes will assist you with that.
Have you done any kind of meditation, reflection, journaling, or other form of inner journeying today? I ask because the current astro-weather looks ideal for such activities, and as we move through the rest of the week there may be opportunities to put whatever you receive, discover, or connect with to excellent use.
As we approach the Virgo Full Moon, consider: are you really communicating as directly as you could be, and are you listening as sensitively as you could be? If you think about how you're feeling in response to someone else, is there a discrepancy between your needs/desires/expectations and what's being offered to you?
A few people I know have been experiencing major tech glitches this week. Meanwhile, I and a few others have had some major "get shit done" energy. Don't freak: the current astrology speaks to both experiences.
The Aquarius New Moon is exact on Friday, Feb. 9, at 5:59 pm EST. The Sun and Moon are ringing the bell of April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, suggesting this is a "seeding moment" for a big, bold vision for your life.
We're heading for a New Moon in Aquarius on Friday that may offer some midwinter stirrings, and that energy is in play already. It's a great week to shake up your routine and *intentionally* do things differently, especially if you're feeling at all restless.
Each time I've thought about tomorrow's Full Moon or looked at the chart, some other layer of meaning has come to mind. Right now, I'm thinking about the ways it illustrates a situation I find myself in: one person's strong emotions (a mix of will, compassion, passion, and perhaps ego) running up against the shared vision of a small group in the question of how to reinvent ourselves to best serve a wider collective.
Saturday morning features an intriguing moment bringing together the astrological symbols of consciousness (the Sun), the subconscious (the Moon), and unseen, subterranean forces (Pluto) in an unusually precise alignment. Whatever emerges into consciousness then could carry a useful message.