Just how fitting is it that Mercury is stationing retrograde in Aries on April Fool's Day? Mercury is known as the Trickster, and its retrogrades have a way of showing us how our failures to focus can result in what feel like frustrating practical jokes from the universe. I think, however, these hiccups are less about the cosmos playing tricks and more an opportunity to notice how we are (or are not) thinking and communicating.
What are you handling well right now? Conversely, is there anything (from situations to machines) that feels like it's breaking down completely? Today's Sun-Pluto contact offers a key mid-eclipse-zone push and opportunity to check in with yourself.
Approaching the Scorpio Full Moon and lunar eclipse on May 5, with Mercury retrograde in Taurus and Uranus aligned with the eclipse, we've been in a process of reviewing and releasing what has been mindlessly habitual to create the space and capacity for who you are becoming. What can you do to align with that, no matter how unexpected it feels?