I'm not a football fan. But the proximity of the recent Super Bowl to this morning's Leo Full Moon brought to mind a perfect image to describe how this Moon is operating in our current social-political moment -- and in your personal interactions.
Tending your inner flame, the hearth of your generative and creative power -- your life force -- is essential to the ability to stay in connection with the world right now. I offer these horoscopes for your Sun and rising signs for that exact purpose.
We don't often get a New Moon so close to New Year's Eve. So you may be noticing a stronger-than-usual resonance today with the themes of ending one cycle and beginning another one, as the Capricorn New Moon is exact today. Its deeper story is being told by an intriguing group of minor planets.
The Sun is making its annual conjunction to the Galactic Center now, exact on Dec. 18. This alignment feels emblematic of what I love most about Sagittarius season: its moments of indescribability, mystery, and unearthly presence.
What things make you think you're a "weirdo" or a "goofball"? What if those traits are actually talents and superpowers? Or even some of your most divine gifts to share with the world?
The Sagittarius New Moon makes for a much-needed introspective pause, just as we tip into the accelerated swirl of the last month of the calendar year. The trials and treasures of Mercury’s retrograde review phase and Mars, planet of action and forward thrust now barely moving and about to station reto itself, call the tune for December.
Mercury in Sagittarius describes a very perceptive mind -- but one that needs focusing and directing. If you start getting frustrated with a lack of follow-through this week, remember that the overall mental environment we're all moving through is a little...loose...at the moment.
Pluto finally enters Aquarius for the long haul today, where it immediately meets two asteroids that made me laugh out loud over how ridiculously well they comment on this moment in time. But they also suggest crucial strategies for living through this new era.
Maybe, for you, today's "surprise" will be the Full Moon passing by with only some creative rearrangement of expectations and routines. But I also see the potential to feel like you've just been zapped -- and needing to adjust your approach.
Sometimes synchronicity feels like the only thing that can pierce the numbness of a day like today. While driving to the beach in hopes of some solace and grounding, the radio offered just what I needed.