What are you handling well right now? Conversely, is there anything (from situations to machines) that feels like it's breaking down completely? Today's Sun-Pluto contact offers a key mid-eclipse-zone push and opportunity to check in with yourself.
Between the current eclipses, chances are you'll begin getting a clearer sense of how to move toward what you desire and align your steps better with your intention, and new options will emerge. Throughout Taurus season, your body and emotions could be quite informative, even if your mind feels like it's playing tricks on you.
Taking a walk Monday, I encountered several water striders zipping about the surface of a stream pool. As I watched, I had a fleeting thought about the concentrated burst of astrological activity arriving in about a week and a half. Something about the shadows, ripples, and reflections called to mind the upcoming Mercury retrograde and pair of eclipses, as well as ideas about how to move through them.