How do you know when a wild dream of yours is just an escapist fantasy -- a "bad" dream, because you wouldn't actually enjoy the practical details of living it -- and how do you know when it's simply BIG and will need to be tackled one small, persistent step at a time? This week's astrology may offer some clues...
Now that Venus is about to station direct in Leo, do you have any sense of a specific inner mission you may have been on since around July 22? Has anything been uncovered, recovered, or questioned?
Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo today, conjunct asteroid Pallas and Mars. Could it be that Mercury's brief rewind for the next three or so weeks is asking us to pay a little more attention to all the key details needed to put a plan into action -- and to troubleshooting in a methodical, grounded, analytical way when things don't go as expected?