Fully half of the sign-ruling bodies recognized by modern astrology are in Taurus, now that Mercury has arrived there. If recent weeks have felt like a frenzied marathon of multi-tasking, you may feel better able to settle your mind into a more sustainable pace and processing now.
Mercury finally stations direct in Taurus this Sunday, May 14, at 11:17 pm EDT! That means today through Monday could feel a little glitchy. Keep reading to find some "practical" tips, and then a section of thoughts for more "internal" processing regarding Mercury's potential messages for you.
Approaching the Scorpio Full Moon and lunar eclipse on May 5, with Mercury retrograde in Taurus and Uranus aligned with the eclipse, we've been in a process of reviewing and releasing what has been mindlessly habitual to create the space and capacity for who you are becoming. What can you do to align with that, no matter how unexpected it feels?