The Sun enters Capricorn in about 30 minutes, at 10:27 pm EST tonight. Happy solstice! How are you observing the shortest day and longest night?
I think mainly I am aware of how difficult it has been for me to find my own sense of “standing still” this week, this day. I am missing that inner space, but I am so grateful to read the thoughts of those who have been better able to feel into this time, feel into the echoes of centuries and millennia past when the solstice held both the reality of grave possibilities and the promise of the returning light. Thank you.
Capricorn is, among other things, related to structures, foundations, and what we build upon them; its ruler, Saturn, is the lord of linear time.
Perhaps I am getting a strong reminder of how conscious I need to be about building the structures that will help me to use my time according to my intentions and priorities. What will you build during Capricorn season?
With love,

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