Where do you see an opportunity to enact -- or allow -- some fertile giving and receiving into your life? Venus and Mars are building to a supportive, complementary aspect this week, but you'll want to activate the energy.
Happy solstice, everyone! I've written the horoscopes below for the combination Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon charts: a seasonal, solar turning point and a lunar peak.
Thursday's Gemini New Moon is conjunct Venus, describing a positive, social vibe. Yet a tense aspect to Saturn and Nessus in Pisces raises introspective questions. The "both/and" quality of Gemini-style thinking could offer a path to solutions.
The planet of the mind and communication (Mercury) is plugging into the planet of unexpected "a-ha!" moments (Uranus). They're meeting up in a conjunction in late Taurus, exact in the wee hours of tomorrow. New insights, surprising ideas, and deeply intuitive impulses could emerge.
As the Full Moon approaches (it's exact tomorrow, May 23) do you find yourself racing toward a single goal, or too split in your priorities to make a move? Or are you dancing your way through the week? If you're dancing, how would you describe the dance?
Fully half of the sign-ruling bodies recognized by modern astrology are in Taurus, now that Mercury has arrived there. If recent weeks have felt like a frenzied marathon of multi-tasking, you may feel better able to settle your mind into a more sustainable pace and processing now.
The Moon is still in Taurus as I post this, and made its New Moon conjunction to the Sun at 11:22 pm EDT last night. Here are horoscopes for your Sun sign (your "birth sign") and your rising sign to help you consider what you're growing from this moment.
Tomorrow night is the New Moon in Taurus. It's the first New Moon since the April 8 total eclipse, and its themes are a direct continuation of this spring's deepest messages -- but with a distinctly Taurean tone, of course.
I wasn't expecting to feel so ungrounded now that the Sun has been in my sign -- earthy, sensual, steady Taurus -- since Friday. But this spring has been pretty amped up since it started. With a Full Moon, a stormy Mercury, and more thrown into the mix, there's a reminder here to discern what's really yours and listen to your body's clues.
Jupiter's conjunction to Uranus in Taurus is exact this Saturday, April 20! If you're still not sure what your "big, bold vision for your life" is, don't freak. You have time to recognize how this energy is showing up for you and to begin using it more consciously.