Although I’ve centered these horoscopes on the astrology of Thanksgiving Day, they should still prove quite useful even if you’re not in the U.S. and don’t celebrate this holiday.
If you do celebrate Thanksgiving: I want to acknowledge that even in the closest, kindest of families, holidays can bring up old patterns and triggers — and for some this actually may be a time of extreme loneliness and struggle. It’s a good time to check on friends who are having a hard time, or to let friends know you need a little help if they might not be aware. Additional resources are available if things get overwhelming — such as a crisis hotline (there are also “warmlines” if you’re not sure you’re in a crisis but could still use some support).

Thanksgiving is also a holiday with a complicated history. I certainly have more to do to reconcile the fact that as I celebrate all I have to be thankful for, my family and I will be doing so on the unceded lands of the Wabanaki Confederacy.
With all of that, current astrology is also adding some extra “flavor.” A background vibe of edginess might be adding to holiday prep/travel stress today into tomorrow, thanks to the Sun in the final degrees of Scorpio. Wednesday morning a little after 9 am the Sun enters Sagittarius, shifting the tone to a more open, optimistic vibe.
Yet Mars and the asteroid Ceres are just a degree or two behind the Sun all week. So they add their own sense of antsy-ness — especially when it comes to physical urges (everything from the need to get up and move to sexual desires) and feelings around food and emotional nourishment. Support to meet those urges creatively exists if you can take a moment to understand them.
The Sun, Mars, and Ceres are also in a square to Saturn in Pisces. This likely translates to some inner tension around self-gratification versus meeting obligations (absurdly apropos for this holiday). It also describes a caution around feelings of loneliness, and frustrations with real or imagined/internalized authority figures. No matter how intense those feelings, they will pass — and they are highly unlikely to be the whole story. This is where running your situation and emotions by someone else’s empathetic ear can be crucial to gaining clearer perspective.
Finally, the Moon entered Pisces this morning and enters Aries Wednesday afternoon (where it will be for Thanksgiving). So while the first part of the week benefits from some dreamy creativeness as you envision your holiday plans, the second part supports activating those plans — with a reminder to stay aware of sudden impulses and emotional reactions. Family gatherings can be fun and grounding, but also rife with blind spots that can inadvertently be poked.
That said, the Aries Moon will blend beautifully with the Sagittarius Sun. When in doubt (or if things get spicy), get outside to stretch your legs around the block or to a new vantage point — your body, emotions, and outlook will all thank you.
I wish you much to be grateful for.
With love,
P.S. You can also read these horoscopes for your rising sign (ascendant) as well as your Sun sign. I’d love to hear whether one or the other resonates more for you and why! If you don’t know your rising sign, you can either plug in your data (birth time, date, and location) at this website or message me and I’ll look it up for you.
Horoscopes for the Week of Nov. 23, 2023
ARIES — You like to be on the move, Aries, and this time of year often prompts you to focus your actions on far distant horizons. Recently, though, it seems you’ve been giving more attention to conserving your resources, and those efforts should begin paying off in a greater sense of freedom now through the next month. At the same time, you’re in a longer phase of bringing important projects to a close so you can reorient with a clean slate. This is as much an internal job as an external one, which can sometimes feel at odds with your preferred modes of living. Relinquishing a vision for the future that hasn’t proven relevant or realistic can bring up uncomfortable emotions like sadness, anger, or uncertainty. As an antidote to possible frustration and reactivity this week, getting physical in constructive ways will not only help you feel like your usual self, it’ll support your grander quest.
TAURUS — Beginning midweek, a light begins shining on your finances, shared and anticipated resources, and all the feelings you have about those topics, Taurus. This is reason for optimism: the better you can see these things, the better you can aim for empowering changes. It even looks like you’ll have company in this endeavor, though these people might be more active out of view. Yet where you may feel blocked or frustrated this week is in your ability to connect these dots with your wider community and sharing your gifts in that realm. You’re in a significant phase of learning to better integrate with the groups and teams you’re part of, and while stepping up may not be “fun,” you stand to benefit greatly in the long run. Just watch for spicy emotional blind spots this week. Catching them first through dream journaling or active meditation could unlock secrets to success.
GEMINI — You can expect the next few weeks to energize your one-on-one encounters, Gemini. Having just enough people to talk to helps you to keep your energy flowing productively. Pay close attention to who’s emerging over the horizon, however: is it a friend, lover, “enemy,” or some combination? Recent attention you’ve been paying to your overall health and wellbeing should put you in a good position to deal with anyone, but reconciling your personal life with professional goals or responsibilities might feel quite frustrating. Who holds actual authority in your life, and who is simply used to calling the shots? Your accomplishments are yours alone. Thankfully, opportunities this week to share your gifts with your wider community should help reinforce a sense of connection, and of belonging right where you are.
CANCER — Chances are you’re quite familiar with your various cycles, Cancer, and already know you’re entering a month that emphasizes your day-to-day wellbeing. But do you tend to scatter your energies or become very focused on a single long-term goal? Or do you simply “go big” with anything that momentarily helps you feel better? Questions regarding what’s nourishing, motivating, or irritating are emerging in this zone. They’re running up against a pretty solid directive: to cultivate discipline in your spiritual practices, to stay flexible in your (hard-won) understanding of how life works, and to seek practical results from all you’re learning now. This week looks like a good time to test some theories by reaching a little further out into the world, especially professionally or vocationally. Measure the results, see how you feel, and adjust accordingly.
LEO — Sometimes a Leo just wants to have fun, and you’re no exception — especially after recent flare-ups in your safety and security zone. Thankfully playmates appear to be gathering beginning later this week, ready to join you in some creativity and adventure. You look poised to lead the way in the festivities, but for one thing: you’re in a process of coming to terms with certain restrictions on resources you share with (or can expect from) others. This phase also suggests a need to become ever more sensitive to the values of others and how you can incorporate them with your own, without losing yourself. You can access support this week from ideas that are more expansive than your usual individualistic take on things. Actively walk that talk, and feel how much warmer your world gets.
VIRGO — How broad is your sense of “home,” Virgo? Though you know you are a citizen of the universe, you also tend to need that understanding to be grounded in a secure base of operations. That’s when you’re at your best. Energy is gathering this month to boost (and/or facilitate positive changes to) your literal abode or emotional environment. Yet it appears you’re facing someone who’s dictating restrictions and impacting your sense of security. Or perhaps there’s confusion over responsibilities? As you do the work to get clear agreements in place with this person and other individuals, tension should subside. Then you can better utilize the skills, talents, and self-knowledge you’ve been cultivating. Later this week, it appears that articulating your feelings about shared resources will support this whole process.
LIBRA — Your energy and enthusiasm for talking to friends, neighbors, and relatives hits a peak this month, Libra. Relating to people is your jam, and you do it beautifully. Even so, this week don’t be surprised if you run up against an unexpected limit of some kind. Though it may feel very specific to the moment, it’s actually tied to a longer process of restructuring the habits supporting your overall health and wellbeing. Your everyday responsibilities at work also appear to be requiring more effort than usual. Taking proactive steps to rebalance keeps emotional wells full. Remember that one of the most important parts of communicating effectively is to listen deeply — often more than you speak. If a friend or partner expresses strong feelings later this week, you’ll be in perfect position to hear and support them. The benefits will flow both ways.
SCORPIO — Your attention is turning more strongly toward building and sharing your skills, money, and what you value most, Scorpio. This time of year your generous streak shines brightly. Energy is available for this, but probably not if you try to do all the things at all times. If it feels like every effort to have fun lately has to become a “learning opportunity,” you’re on the right track — though this won’t last forever. For now, though, it looks like the more structure and discipline you can bring to your creative efforts, the greater the eventual rewards. If this feels frustrating, consider getting physical, particularly during the last half of this week. Not only is this essential to the basic health of your body, mind, and emotions, it’ll help discharge stuck energy and prevent unconscious reactions to others.
SAGITTARIUS — Welcome to “your” season, Sagittarius! This time of year you generally feel most “like yourself” and at home on the planet. Yet lately there appears to be an unwelcome houseguest of sorts cramping your freedom-loving style. Whether this is a literal person in your living space, the internalized emotional shadow of a parent, or some less tangible sense of restriction and obligation, only you can determine. The sensation is temporary. However, it’s still up to you to stay conscious of urges to reclaim your sense of authority in your space, since emotional reactivity could undermine you more than nourish you. Instead, try tapping into your talent for perspective and optimism: the more playful you can be in response to frustrations this week, the more you’ll access creative solutions and healthy discipline.
CAPRICORN — Certain of your actions and desires are still very much focused on your wider spheres of public influence, Capricorn. Yet behind the curtain a spotlight is shining on the stage of your unconscious and on the “actors” beginning to gather there. Your dreams or more meditative moments appear to have something to tell you. Communicating that message to people in your immediate environment, however, could feel frustrating right now. That’s okay; whatever you’re learning about yourself needs some time to percolate as you develop a new vocabulary. In the meantime, the last half of this week suggests that taking tangible action in your home (a fall renovation project, perhaps?) may be an even more effective way to show loved ones how you’re feeling. Chances are it’ll help you feel more at ease, too.
AQUARIUS — Energy is building in the zone of your chart that relates to the wider circle of people you align with, Aquarius. That could describe a professional team of some kind, an informal council of those who share your ideals, or your community in general. Yet it appears that something may be holding you back from expressing all that you are in this context. If you’re feeling uncertainty about finances, material resources, or your truest values — including your own value — it could reflect a process of restructuring underway in those areas. With a disciplined approach to reassessing what matters most to you and how best to reorganize your priorities, you’ll begin to feel freer again. This week, communicating with peers who are action-oriented may help you get out of your head, and back into harmony with your broader social vision.
PISCES — Midweek marks the start of your annual “greatest stage presence” month, Pisces, and it looks like you have worthy friends joining you there. So why might it feel like you’re having to work harder than usual just to be who you are, or to be perceived accurately by others? In a very real way, you’re in a phase of deep introspection meant to winnow away the chaff obscuring the kernel of who you’re growing into. That can make for a frustrating dynamic between your inner experience and external commitments. Yet you probably don’t have to push as hard as you imagine. This week brings a reminder of the resources and skills at your disposal, and how easily they support the visibility of your work and those you work with. It’s second nature for you to put energy into what you value, and for that you can be grateful.
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