Mercury stations retrograde on Aug. 5, several hours after the Aug. 4 Leo New Moon. Despite Mercury's reputation for miscommunication, uncooperative tech, and confusion, there are always deeper lessons with its reversals. These horoscopes are designed to help you hear them.
Happy solstice, everyone! I've written the horoscopes below for the combination Cancer solstice and Capricorn Full Moon charts: a seasonal, solar turning point and a lunar peak.
The Moon is still in Taurus as I post this, and made its New Moon conjunction to the Sun at 11:22 pm EDT last night. Here are horoscopes for your Sun sign (your "birth sign") and your rising sign to help you consider what you're growing from this moment.
Preparing for eclipses is like approaching rapids while paddling a kayak on a river: the more you can intentionally point your kayak in the same direction as the current, the easier it is to flow with it toward your intended destination with minimal turbulence. Hopefully these horoscopes will help you do just that.
Sunday's convergence of the Sun and Moon in Pisces is the last lunation before we begin the spring eclipse season. Taking a little time this weekend to slow down and feel into your intuition, creativity, or any meditative practice could prove useful preparation for when spring gets going in earnest, and hopefully these horoscopes will assist you with that.
The Aquarius New Moon is exact on Friday, Feb. 9, at 5:59 pm EST. The Sun and Moon are ringing the bell of April's Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, suggesting this is a "seeding moment" for a big, bold vision for your life.
The Sagittarius New Moon and Mercury's station retrograde in Capricorn are combining in some powerful (and potentially challenging yet enlightening) ways during an especially intense time of year. Hopefully these horoscopes for your Sun sign and rising sign will help you discover some worthwhile insights as we navigate the next few weeks.
Current astrology is also adding some extra "flavor" to Thursday's holiday. Even if you're not in the U.S. or do not celebrate Thanksgiving for other reasons, you may find these horoscopes useful.
Giving some focused energy in the direction you want to travel during the "disruption" of an eclipse can help new pathways and patterns to take shape more clearly and tangibly. Here are your horoscopes to help you make sense of the current moment and act with intention.